Monday, December 23, 2019

Theu.s. B. Du Bois - 1310 Words

Same Ideas, Different Results For more than a hundred years, important African-American leaders such as Booker T. Washington and W.E.B. Du Bois have been both acclaimed and cherished in our society’s history books for their individual efforts in the struggle for the civil and political advancement of African-Americans. These two seem to be the main advocates for the advancement of African-Americans in the United States of American after the Civil War, but both had a different approach to it. Although both remarkable advocates for African-Americans after the Civil War and have worked diligently for their accomplishments, it seems that W.E.B. Du Bois was accurate on his ideas of the advancement of African-American. Respected and beloved during his time for his notorious proposal of African Americans and Caucasian Americans on the idea of working together to a better future; civil rights activist Booker T. Washington came to be known as the voice of African-Americans after the ad dress at the Atlanta Exposition in 1895. In his address, under the pressure to say something that would unite the races, Washington encouraged Caucasian Americans to â€Å"cast down their buckets† and allow African-Americans to do the following: work in the lowest level jobs like agriculture and domestic services; to appreciate the privileges that was given and don’t allow to expect more; and earn the opportunity of acquiring civil and political rights (454). Therefore, giving up all hope of ever beingShow MoreRelatedTheu.s. B. Du Bois1443 Words   |  6 Pagesand sold them to the owners. There are a few people that discuss the differences and similarities between traders and owners: Howard Zinn is the main person that discusses this topic in his work A People’s History of the United States, but W.E.B. Du Bois also discusses it in his work, A Black Reconstruction. The owners and traders happened to be similar when it came to profit, but differed in class, occup ation, and how they treated the slaves. Slave traders and owners share a major goal, profitRead MoreTheu.s. B. Du Bois1428 Words   |  6 Pagesand sold them to the Owners. There are a few people that discuss the differences and similarities between Traders and Owners: Howard Zinn is the main person that discusses this topic in his work A People’s History of the United States, but W.E.B. Du Bois also discusses it in his work, A Black Reconstruction. The Owners and Traders happened to be similar when it came to profit, but differed in class, occupation, and how they treated the slaves. Slave Traders and Owners share a major goal, revenue

Sunday, December 15, 2019

Importance of Military Rules and Regulations Free Essays

Why it is important to Obey Military Rules and Regulation Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders. Recruits are taught to obey, immediately and without question, orders from their superiors, right from day-one of boot camp. Which is why we work so well by following orders from the more experienced leaders who have been doing this for years. We will write a custom essay sample on Importance of Military Rules and Regulations or any similar topic only for you Order Now We have plenty of obedience in Charlie company and I feel it is one of the best units I have been in. It has made me want to persue a carreer in the military and I no rules and regulations is what is going to make me move up the ranks and make me a all around better soldier. I no I need to work on discapile sometimes and am doing corrective training right now to make me become a better sodier. So in my essay I have listed many chararistics which in the history and present day made what the army is today. I feel the army values have a big role in rules and regulations because if you follow the values you will not stray off in being disobedient. It’s very important to follow directions, or else the world would be in chaos. When some tells you that you must follow directions so that everything can go in an orderly fashion, it’s important do because they know what’s going to happen if you don’t. It’s important to follow directions because if you don’t something can go wrong, it’s important follow directions because if you don’t you’ll get in trouble, and it’s also important to follow directions because if you don’t you’ll be writing this essay too. It’s important to follow directions because if you don’t something can go wrong. If you decide to cross the street and someone tells you not to, their telling you for a reason, maybe so that you won’t get hit by a car or get shot at in a drive by shooting. It’s important follow directions because if you don’t you’ll get in trouble. If you decide to cross the street after they told you not to, you’ll suffer the consequences. In this case the consequences is getting hit by a car our getting shot in a drive by shooting. If you don’t suffer the consequences that way you’ll suffer another way. Finally, it’s important to follow directions because if you don’t you’ll be writing this essay too. If you didn’t suffer the consequences by getting shot at or getting ran over, you’ll suffer by writing this essay. By writing this essay you’ll be missing many important television shows. Even if you weren’t talking in class while taking the test, because you we’re the last one taking the test, you’ll have to write this essay too. In the end, it’s important to follow directions, because if you don’t something can go wrong. They’re telling you to listen to them for a reason, because they probably know more than you do. It’s important follow directions because if you don’t you’ll get in trouble. You might get hit by a car while crossing the street or get shot at in a drive by shooting. It’s also important to follow directions because if you don’t you’ll be writing this essay too. By writing an essay like this on, it will take up you’re time and you’ll miss a lot of your favorite television shows. SO FOLLOW DIRECTIONS. When one enlists in the United States Military, active duty or reserve, they take the following oath: I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Officers, upon commission, swear to the following: I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. Military members who fail to obey the lawful orders of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 90 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) makes it a crime for a military member to WILLFULLY disobey a superior commissioned officer. Article 91 makes it a crime to WILLFULLY disobey a superior Noncommissioned or Warrant Officer. Article 92 makes it a crime to disobey any lawful order (the disobedience does not have to be â€Å"willful† under this article). In fact, under Article 90, during times of war, a military member who willfully disobeys a superior commissioned officer can be sentenced to death. The importance of rules and regulations in the military are there so a soldier knows how to act and behave while in the military. We have rules and regulations to instill upon a soldier how to properly conduct him/herself while in the military uniform. We are put on a higher pedestal than civilians at all times. We are to behave in a different manner than anybody. We are to at all times conduct ourselves in ways that most people would not understand. The rules and regulations are put out so that we know what we can and cannot do at all times. We are to behave at all times in a professional manner and dress properly. The Army is a uniformed service where discipline is judged, in part, by the manner in which a soldier wears a prescribed uniform, as well as by the individual’s personal appearance. Therefore, a neat and well-groomed appearance by all soldiers is fundamental to the Army and contributes to building the pride and esprit essential to an effective military force. A vital ingredient of the Army’s strength and military effectiveness is the pride and self-discipline that American soldiers bring to their Service through a conservative military image. So we are to uphold an image that makes us stand out and look professional at all times. On duty and off duty. Our hair is to be groomed and be in a well kept manner also. Males hair is to be kept short and not touching the ears or touching the collar. The hair on top of the head must be neatly groomed. The length and bulk of the hair may not be excessive or present a ragged, unkempt, or extreme appearance. The hair must present a tapered appearance. A tapered appearance is one where the outline of the soldier’s hair conforms to the shape of the head, curving inward to the natural termination point at the base of the neck. When the hair is combed, it will not fall over the ears or eyebrows, or touch the collar, except for the closely cut hair at the back of the neck. Males will keep sideburns neatly trimmed. Sideburns may not be flared; the base of the sideburn will be a clean shaven, horizontal line. Sideburns will not extend below the lowest part of the exterior ear opening. all clothing will have a proper fit and always be in a serviceable manner at all times. We will maintain a high standard of dress and appearance. Uniforms will fit properly; trousers, pants, or skirts should not fit tightly; and personnel must keep uniforms clean and serviceable and press them as necessary. Soldiers must project a military image that leaves no doubt that they live by a common military standard and are responsible to military order and discipline. Soldiers will ensure that articles carried in pockets do not protrude from the pocket or present a bulky appearance. The trousers are to have a proper fit and not to look baggy. This uniform is designed to fit loosely; alterations to make the uniform fit tightly are not authorized. A tight fit reduces the airflow needed for ventilation and cooling. The coat is worn outside the trousers. Soldiers will not wear a belt with this uniform. Soldiers will wear the trousers bloused, using the draw cords or blousing rubbers, if the trousers are not tucked into the boots. Personnel will not wrap the trouser legs around the leg tightly enough to present a straight appearance. Soldiers will not blouse the boots so that the trouser leg extends down to the ankle area. When bloused, the trousers should not extend below the third eyelet from the top of the boot. So that is an example of how a soldier is to look at all times. We are to maintain a proper appearance at all times. This goes to show how the military works. If we did not have rules and regulations, we would not have a proper working military. We have rules and regulations for a reason, they are there so a soldier knows how to act and dress at all times. Also we are to conduct ourselves in a different way when we are at war too. There is a such thing as rules of engagement. It states that we are not engage upon enemies unless engaged upon first. It has to be the same amount of force as the enemy has used. If they shoot, we are allowed to return fire. But, if they throw rocks and other objects then all we are allowed to do is yell at them. If we did not have that rule we would be using force that is not necessary. We would shoot or kill people that that does not deserve to be shot or killed. If that was the case we would be a Hitlerism nation. We would not care how we won a war or who we had to kill to get to that point. We have rules and regulations on how to keep clean in the field. That’s one regulation you do not want to disobey. It says that if you do not take care of yourself, your living area, or your food, you can get very sick. Your water can start to grow bacteria and different kinds of fungus. Not to mention that if you do no wash your self good enough, you can get some crazy infections. I am surprised that there is not a regulation on how to breath properly on a daily basis. But I would not be either. The regulations are put out there so every one knows what the military life is supposed to like. We have to abide by them at all times day in day out. To me the rules and regulations are to be enforced so that no body is messing up and always in the right. Plus, if there is some thing that you get questioned on, then you can pull up the ar670-1. Like here is a story for you; I had a lt. colonel tell me that I was out of regulations to wear a thumb ring. I told that it was authorized to wear because according to ar670-1 paragraph 14 sub B it states that your authorized to wear two rings. One on each hand, and a wedding set (a bridal set) counts as one. But it does not state that you can or cannot have a ring on your thumb. And also my First sergeant told me that we were not allowed to wear a bracelet. Well I looked it up and come to find out that you are not authorized to wear a bracelet unless it is an identifying bracelet. So I found a loop hole, I made a bracelet with a dog tag on it. Now I was in regulation. Then there is a hair color regulation too. It says that you are not authorized to color your hair unless it is a natural color. Your not allowed to have weird colors like pink or bright red. This one girl got an article 15 for having three different colors in her hair and for destruction to government property. If that is the case then we should not be allowed to have tattoos, because your putting permanent markings on your body. And, also females should not be able to get piercings, because they are causing permanent damage to there bodies. But that is the way the military works. We have to follow the regulations regardless if we agree with them or not. Good leadership promotes professionalism—a relation of standards, involving quality of life, service, discipline and total commitment to our Army and the United States of America. This really sucks because they know that I’m not going to be able to get ten thousand words on one subject. Now if it was like three or more I am sure that it would not be to hard. Seems like pretty good motivation to obey any order you’re given, right? Nope. These articles require the obedience of LAWFUL orders. An order which is unlawful not only does not need to be obeyed, but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders — if the order was illegal. â€Å"I was only following orders,† has been unsuccessfully used as a legal defense in hundreds of cases (probably most notably by Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg tribunals following World War II). The defense didn’t work for them, nor has it worked in hundreds of cases since. The first recorded case of a United States Military officer using the â€Å"I was only following orders† defense dates back to 1799. During the War with France, Congress passed a law making it permissible to seize ships bound to any French Port. However, when President John Adams wrote the order to authorize the U. S. Navy to do so, he wrote that Navy ships were authorized to seize any vessel bound for a French port, or traveling from a French port. Pursuant to the President’s instructions, a U. S. Navy captain seized a Danish Ship (the Flying Fish), which was en route from a French Port. The owners of the ship sued the Navy captain in U. S. maritime court for trespass. They won, and the United States Supreme Court upheld the decision. The U. S. Supreme Court held that Navy commanders â€Å"act at their own peril† when obeying presidential orders when such orders are illegal. The Vietnam War presented the United States military courts with more cases of the â€Å"I was only following orders† defense than any previous conflict. The decisions during these cases reaffirmed that following manifestly illegal orders is not a viable defense from criminal prosecution. In United States v. Keenan, the accused (Keenan) was found guilty of murder after he obeyed in order to shoot and kill an elderly Vietnamese citizen. The Court of Military Appeals held that â€Å"the justification for acts done pursuant to orders does not exist if the order was of such a nature that a man of ordinary sense and understanding would know it to be illegal. † (Interestingly, the soldier who gave Keenan the order, Corporal Luczko, was acquitted by reason of insanity). Probably the most famous case of the â€Å"I was only following orders† defense was the court-martial (and conviction for premeditated murder) of First Lieutenant William Calley for his part in the My Lai Massacre on March 16, 1968. The military court rejected Calley’s argument of obeying the order of his superiors. On March 29, 1971, Calley was sentenced to life in prison. However, the public outcry in the United States following this very publicized and controversial trial was such that President Nixon granted him clemency. Calley wound up spending 3 1/2 years under house arrest at Fort Benning Georgia, where a federal judge ultimately ordered his release. In 2004, the military began court-martials of several military members deployed to Iraq for mistreating prisoners and detainees. Several members claimed that they were only following the orders of military intelligence officials. Unfortunately (for them), that defense won’t fly. The mistreatment of prisoners is a crime under both international law, and the Uniform Code of Military Justice (see Article 93 — Cruelty and Maltreatment). It’s clear, under military law, that military members can be held accountable for crimes committed under the guise of â€Å"obeying orders,† and there is no requirement to obey orders which are unlawful. However, here’s the rub: A military member disobeys such orders at his/her own peril. Ultimately, it’s not whether or not the military member thinks the order is illegal or unlawful, it’s whether military superiors (and courts) think the order was illegal or unlawful. Take the case of Michael New. In 1995, Spec-4 Michael New was serving with the 1/15 Battalion of the 3rd infantry Division of the U. S. Army at Schweinfurt, Germany. When assigned as part of a multi-national peacekeeping mission about to be deployed to Macedonia, Spec-4 New and the other soldiers in his unit were ordered to wear United Nations (U. N. ) Helmets and arm bands. New refused the order, contending that it was an illegal order. New’s superiors disagreed. Ultimately, so did the court-martial panel. New was found guilty of disobeying a lawful order and sentenced to a bad conduct discharge. The Army Court of Criminal Appeals upheld the conviction, as did the Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces. What about an order to participate in a dangerous mission? Can the military legally order one to go on a â€Å"suicide mission? † You bet they can. In October 2004, the Army announced that they it were investigating up to 19 members of a platoon from the 343rd Quartermaster Company based in Rock Hill, South Carolina, for refusing to transport supplies in a dangerous area of Iraq. According to family members, some of the troops thought the mission was â€Å"too dangerous† because their vehicles were unarmored (or had little armor), and the route they were scheduled to take is one of the most dangerous in Iraq. According to reports, these members simply failed to show up for the pre-departure briefing for the mission. Can they be punished for this? They certainly can. An order to perform a dangerous mission is lawful, because it’s not an order to commit a crime. Under current law, and the Manual for Courts-Martial, â€Å"An order requiring the performance of a military duty r act may be inferred to be lawful and it is disobeyed at the peril of the subordinate. This inference does not apply to a patently illegal order, such as one that directs the commission of a crime. † In fact, if it can be shown that one or more of the soldiers influenced others to disobey, they may find the crime of Mutiny, under Article 94 added to the list of charges. Mutiny carries the death penalty, even in â€Å"peace time. † , to obey, or not to obey? It depends on the order. Military members disobey orders at their own risk. They also obey orders at their own risk. An order to commit a crime is unlawful. An order to perform a military duty, no matter how dangerous is lawful, as long as it doesn’t involve commission of a crime. Military Discipline is a state of order and obedience existing within a command. It involves the ready subordination of the will of the individual for the good of the group. Military discipline is an extension and specialized application of the discipline demands habitual but reasoned obedience that preserves initiative and functions unfalteringly even in the absence of the commander. Discipline is created within a command by instilling a sense of confidence and responsibility in each individual. Discipline demands correct performance of duty. The need for discipline is best inculcated in individual by appealing to his sense of reason. In the few instances where appeal to reason fail, the use of punishment is effective in causing a recalcitrant individual to conform and perhaps appreciate the need for discipline. Condemnation and earned praise from senior to his subordinate, either individually or collectively, for tasks well done serve to strengthen the disciplinary bonds which bind together the smooth functioning team. Max Anders says, â€Å"Only the disciplined ever get really good at anything. Everything in life requires some sort of discipline. Whether it is hitting a baseball, climbing a mountain, playing a musical instrument, making good grades or brushing your teeth it all comes down to a matter of discipline. â€Å"The core of a soldier is moral discipline. It is intertwined with the discipline of physical and mental achievem.. The Army is an old institution. In th is country it dates back to the Washington’s time in 1775—76 when the Revolutionary War took place to proclaim our freedom from the British. One particular thing which Washington’s Army had in common with our modern Army today is discipline. This is very important in order to keep our forces organized. A well—disciplined army will always come out the victor in battle. Take a look at Musolini’s army in Italy in the last War. When the going got tough, their troops got disorganized, failed to obey orders, and finally decided it was time to surrender. And so it happened with Hitler’s Third Reich. His troops got disorganized from the lack of proper discipline and as the proverb goes, â€Å"United We Stand, Divided We Fall†. The Third Reich fell. Our American Army is a well—organized fighting force and always will be, with the proper kind of discipline which we have now. The officers in charge of each Army, Corps, Division, Regiment, down to the Platoon and Squad are all experienced, level—headed men and women, whose job it is to keep the men and women under them disciplined as well as informed as to what is going on and thereby gaining the men’s and women’s cooperation. From the five—star General down to the â€Å"lowly† Private, it is his duty to see that whatever his job is, it will be done properly. With such a fighting force, how can we lose? Remember, â€Å"United We Stand, Divided We Fall†. We SHALL NOT Fall. It is so that you know what you are allowed to do and not to do, and to maintain control. It is the same in life, they call that the law. To me I joined the military because I was ture to the oath Bear true faith and allegiance to the U. S. Constitution, the Army, your unit and other Soldiers. Bearing true faith and allegiance is a matter of believing in and devoting yourself to something or someone. A loyal Soldier is one who supports the leadership and stands up for fellow Soldiers. By wearing the uniform of the U. S. Army you are expressing your loyalty. And by doing your share, you show your loyalty to your unit. Face fear, danger or adversity (physical or moral). Personal courage has long been associated with our Army. With physical courage, it is a matter of enduring physical duress and at times risking personal safety. Facing moral fear or adversity may be a long, slow process of continuing forward on the right path, especially if taking those actions is not popular with others. You can build your personal courage by daily standing up for and acting upon the things that you know are honorable that a potential Soldier should understand the basics about service before they enlist. if it appeals to you! What it Means to be a Soldier Serving in the Army is a life-changing experience—and a serious commitment. So it stands to reason The Army is an elite group of warriors who dedicate a portion of their time to serving their nation. Each state has its own Guard, as required by the Constitution; in fact, it is the only branch of the military whose What is existence is actually required by the Constitution. Review all of our info about the National Guard and see Nation The first and foremost responsibility will be protecting and defending American interests. This may mean deployment out of state or overseas. If they’re called up, they’ll be ready. Community Nearly 400 years ago, the Guard mobilized for the first time to help neighbors in times of need. This is still our main role: helping the community during natural disasters and civil emergencies. Qualifications Physical fitness, age, education, height and weight are the primary factors that determine whether a would-be member can join the Guard. Visit our Standards page for more information. Where Do They Serve? Usually, a Soldier serves where they live. There’s a National Guard in all 50 American states, as well as in the four territories, so typically, they’ll live at home and drill once a month at the nearest armory. If mobilized by the federal government, they may serve out of state or overseas. Three to six years is typical but length of service depends on the enlistment option they chose at the time of enlistment. College, career and other personal commitments are also factors, but I plan to make a carreer out of the military so rules and regulations are very important to me, There is a long and noble history of the United States Army serving at home and abroad to ensure the safety and freedom of their fellow citizens. They have combated natural disasters, supported Army troops and, when called upon, borne arms against their nation’s enemies. Proud Soldier Since 1636, the army has brought glory and honor upon itself and its soldiers through quiet and selfless service. Do you think you have what it takes to be a member of this select group? In the army you become a Soldier. What does it mean to be a Soldier? It’s being a part of noble tradition of service extending back almost 400 years. It means you become a member of the best trained, best equipped, and most respected military force in history. It means you will make a difference and follow commands of others. Following Orders The importance of following orders cannot be emphasized enough. In the military world this is key to mission success. When a competent authority issues an order, it is issued with the understanding that subordinates will carry out that order, effectively and efficiently. When or where that order is issued does not make a difference on the importance of that order. The orders issued in garrison are just as important as the ones being issued in a combat zone. It is important that the order be understood and done when told to, to avoid further problems. Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders. Recruits are taught to obey, immediately and without question, orders from their superiors, right from day one of boot camp. Military members who fail to obey the lawful orders of their superiors risk serious consequences. Article 90 of the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) makes it a crime for a military member to willfully disobey a superior commissioned officer. Article 91 makes it a crime to willfully disobey a superior Noncommissioned or Warrant Officer. Article 92 makes it a crime to disobey any lawful order (the disobedience does not have to be â€Å"willful† under this article). In fact, under Article 90, during times of war, a military member who willfully disobeys a superior commissioned officer can be sentenced to death. These articles require the obedience of lawful orders. An order which is unlawful not only does not need to be obeyed, but obeying such an order can result in criminal prosecution of the one who obeys it. Military courts have long held that military members are accountable for their actions even while following orders, even if the order was illegal. Orders can have a variety of purposes, most of which builds discipline. Whether a Marine is told to clean the head or to bring in gear, the orders given are to instill good character in the Marines. When it comes down to it, there are orders issued for almost everything in the military. Since this practice is so frequent, Marines have learned to make it part of their instinct to follow orders when given. It is written in the promotion warrants that subordinates will render obedience to orders given from superiors, so it is difficult to say that Marines are not reminded of it. Following orders can apply to almost everything you do in life. Everyone follows orders, even the Commandant. So if a four star General has to follow orders, its automatic that everyone below him must do the same. Even before you join the military following orders is part of life. In school the teachers give orders to students, it may not be the same as the military but they are orders. Listening to your parents when they told you to do something was following orders. Sometimes it is hard to cope with the orders that are given, but the judgment of those issuing orders needs to be trusted. I think following direct orders is important because for starters nothing would ever get done because everyone would gaf everyone else off and it might not sound that bad but if you were to put the scenario into a combat situation marines would die all because someone didn’t follow a direct order, for instance if you were told to hold a position with your marines and you moved anyway’s you could cost everyone their lives and loose a war. To obey someone means to comply with or fulfill the commands, restrictions, wishes, or instructions of that specific person. We are taught as children to obey our higher-ups. Starting from our parents, teachers, managers, police officers and so on. So how does this relate to the military? Well, when a person enlists in the United States Military, they take the following oath; â€Å"I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. Right there you are making a promise to the United States Military. Before you even put on the uniform, you promise you’ll obey the orders of the President and the orders of the officers appointed over you. Military discipline and effectiveness is built on the foundation of obedience to orders. Brand new privates are taught to obey, immediately and without question, orders from their superiors, right f rom the start. Almost any devil can tell you that obedience was drilled into their heads at one point or another. For example, no talking on the phone while walking, don’t put your hands in your pockets, and stand a parade rest. Those are just the simple orders you are made to obey in the military. Greater orders mean bigger consequences. Military members who fail to obey the lawful orders of their superiors risk serious consequences. I know that knowing the rules and regulations is what is going to make me move up the rank and make me a all around better marine. I need to work on discipline sometimes and am going to correct my unacceptable behavior . So in my essay I have listed many characteristics and examples of how following orders is important. I feel the Marine Corps values have a big role in rules and regulations because if you follow the values you will not have as difficult a time in the corps It’s very important to follow directions, or else the world would be in chaos. When someone tells you that you must follow directions so that everything can go in an orderly fashion, it’s important to do so because they know what’s going to happen if you don’t. It’s important to follow directions because if you don’t something can go wrong, it’s important follow directions because if you don’t you’ll get in trouble, and it’s also important to follow directions because if you don’t you’ll be writing this essay too. If you decide to cross the street and someone tells you not to, their telling you for a reason, maybe so that you won’t get hit by a car or get shot at in a drive by shooting. It’s important follow directions because if you don’t you’ll get in trouble. Thank you very much for taking time to read my essay on following orders. How to cite Importance of Military Rules and Regulations, Essay examples

Saturday, December 7, 2019

Karl Marx (1871 words) Essay Example For Students

Karl Marx (1871 words) Essay Karl MarxHuman relationships have always been dynamic. Change and adaptability have gonehand in hand with the passage of time for human society. Systems have beendeveloped to regulate, direct and control the resources of this society. Thesystems are referred to as governments and the resources as the populace orinhabitants and forces of production. A government must be dynamic in its naturereflecting the change in society. At times these systems have resisted thenecessity to adapt with its components (Society) creating a deficit between thesystem and those it regulates. As the deficits develop, they cause instability,and could lead to revolution.1 Theories have been developed to explain thesystemic phenomenon Karl Marx was the greatest thinker and philosopher of histime. His view revolutionized the way in which people think. He created anopportunity for the lower class to rise above the aristocrats and failed due tothe creation of the middle class. Despite this failure, he was still a greatpolitical leader and set the basis of Communism in Russia. His life contributedto the way people think today, and because of him people are more open tosuggestion and are quicker to create ideas on political issues. Karl HeinrichMarx was born May 5th, 1818 in Trier. Although he had three other siblings, allsisters, he was the favorite child to his Father, Heinrich. His mother, a DutchJewess named Henrietta Pressburg, had no interest in Karls intellectual sideduring his life. His father was a Jewish lawyer, and before his death in 1838,converted his family to Christianity to preserve his job with the Prussianstate. When Heinrichs mother died, he no longer felt he had an obligation tohis religion, thus helping him in the decision in turning to Christianity. Karls childhood was a happy and care-free one. His parents had a goodrelationship and it help set Karl in the right direction. His ?splendidnatural gifts awakened in his father the hope that they would one day be usedin the service of humanity, whilst his mother declared him everything would gowell. (The story of his life, Mehring, page 2). In High school Karl stood outamong the crowd. When asked to write a report on How to choose aprofession he took a different approach. He took the angle in which mostinterested him, by saying that there was no way to choose a profession, butbecause of circumstances one is placed in an occupation. A person with aaristocratic background is more likely to have a higher role in society asapposed to someone from a much poorer background. While at Bonn at the age ofeighteen he got engaged to Jenny von Westphalen, daughter of the upperclassmenLudwig von Westphalen. She was the childhood friend of Marxs oldest sister,Sophie. The engagement was a secret one , meaning they got engaged without askingpermission of Jennys parents. Heinrich Marx was uneasy about this but beforelong the consent was given. Karls school life other than his marks is unknown. He never spoke of his friends as a youth, and no one has ever came to speak ofhim through his life. He left high school in August of 1835 to go on to theUniversity of Bonn in the fall of the same year to study law. His father wantedhim to be a lawyer much like himself but when Karls reckless university lifewas getting in the way after a year Heinrich transferred him to Berlin. Also, hedid not go to most lectures, and showed little interest in what was to belearned. Karls reckless ways were not tolerated at Berlin, a more conservativecollege without the mischievous ways of the other universities. While at Berlin,Marx became part of the group known as the Yong Hegelians. The group wasorganized in part due to the philosophy teacher Hegel that taught from 1818 tohis death. The teachings of Hegel shaped the way the school thought towards mostthings. Those who studied Hegel and his ideals were known as the YoungHegelians. Hegel spoke of the development and evolution of the mind and ofideas . Although Karl was younger than most in the group, he was recognized forhis intellectual ability and became the focus of the group. While at BerlinHe came to believe that all the various sciences and philosophies werepart of one overarching, which, when completed, which would give a true andtotal picture of the universe and man. (Communist Manifesto, Marx (FrancisB. Randal), page 15) Marx was an atheist, and believed that science andphilosophy would prove everything. Thus he had no belief in a god of any type. .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860 , .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860 .postImageUrl , .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860 , .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860:hover , .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860:visited , .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860:active { border:0!important; } .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860:active , .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860 .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u24e9c081850d67fffa92d5423e0ca860:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: My Testimony EssayMarx believed that Hegel must have been an atheist as well because of his strongbelief in the mind. Marxs doctoral thesis was competed in 1841. It carried thetitle The Difference Between the Philosophies of Nature of Democrtius andEpicurus.(The Making of Marxs Critical Theory, Oakley, page 11) It had todo with the Greek philosopher Epicurus and how his beliefs related to Marxs ofthat day. This thesis was an early indication of the thinking behind Karl Marx. Much of his later work and ideas are evident in this essay. He passed his thesisinto the University of Jena because Bonn and Berlin required an oral part to thethesis. The quickness was also a matter in this. He passed it in early April,and got his degree in history and philosophy in April 15, 1841. After graduationhe was unable to find work. This caused him to take a job with the Germannewspaper Rheinische Zeitung in early 1842. By the end of the year, Marx madeeditor- in-chief. A few months after that in 1843 because of his radicalwritings, and his social views, Marx was forced to step down as editor, and soonafter that the paper closed altogether. He married Jenny von Westphalen, andwith a member of the Young Hegelians, Arnold Ruge went to Paris to publish aradical journal on his beliefs. It was evident in his works that he was arevolutionary that advocated criticism of everything in existence. This wasespecially anticipated by the proletariat. The proletariat were the workingclas s of the day. They were the poor and made up the majority of people. Marxwent on to believe that the proletariat would rise up against the bourgeoisie. Then in 1844 Marx met a man that would change his life forever.When going toEngland after doing military service, he meet Marx in Cologne in the offices ofthe Rheinische Zeitung. Both of them had gone through the German philosophicschool and whilst abroad they came to the same conclusions but while Marxarrived at an understanding of the struggles and the demands of the age basis ofthe French Revolution, Engles did so on the basis of English industry. (TheStory of His life, Mehring, page 93) Friedrich Engles was born in 1820 in theRhine Province of the Kingdom of Prussia. Like Marx he was brought up with theGerman philosophies of Hegel, and like Marx, Engles began to follow the works ofHegel. These parallels between Marx and Engles formed a relationship that wouldlast for the rest of each others lives. They both contributed to each othersworks, and co-wrote many things. The similarity in background between the twoalso meant a similarity in ideas. The both believed in the struggle of t heproletariat and that it would rise up against the bourgeoisie. Marx isconsiderate to be the greater of the two philosophies. The one contrast was theway in which one solved problems. Marx would use historical research to solve aproblem, as apposed Engles who used his imagination and pure mind to come abouta solution. These differences in culture and similarities in beliefscomplemented each other well. This outlook on society and the class war wasingenious. It was their greatest work together, the communist manifesto, whichachieved them their most popularity among the proletariat, and created the mostproblems with the government for the two. Communist Manifesto or Manifest derKommunistischen Partel was a book written by Marx with collaboration from Engles. Basically meaning that Marx wrote it but he discussed the issues in themanifesto with Engles. It documents the objectives and principals of theCommunist League, an organization of arand intellectuals. It was published inLondon in 1848, shortly before the revolution in Paris. The manifesto is dividedinto four parts, and the beginning of the entire document reads A specteris haunting Europe. The first part outlines his ideas on history and aprediction on what is yet to come. He predicts a confrontation between theproletariat and the bourgeoisie, the working class and the higher class. Becauseof the main logic behind capitalism the bourgeoisie will seek more power andmore wealth. With them doing this, the living conditions of the proletariat willdecrease. Numbers of proletariat will increase as well as their politicalawareness, and will revolt against the bourgeoisie and will eventually win. Inthe second part Marx discusses the importance of Communism, and if privateproperty is abolishe d, class distinctions will be as well. The second part alsostresses the importance of the necessity of the proletariat and bourgeoisiebeing common and the level of class being the same. The third part critiquesother social ideas of the modern day. The final and fourth part discussed thedifferences between his political issues as apposed to those of the otheroppositonal parties. This part ends in bold capital letters WORKINGMEN OFALL COUNTRIES, UNITE! The days of November 1850 fall almost exactly in themiddle of Marxs life and they represent, not only externally, an importantturning point in his lifes work. Marx himself was keenly aware of this andEngles perhaps even more so. (The Story of his life, Mehring, page 208) Livingin political exile his life changed. His ideas were no longer followed like theyonce were. His isolation from the general public provided a new light in hislife. Then, in 1855, his only son died. His son showed much potential, and wasthe life of the family. When h e died, Jenny became very sick with anxiety, andMarx himself became very depressed. He wrote to Engles The house seemsempty and deserted since the boy died. He was its life and soul. It isimpossible to describe how much we miss him all of the time. I have suffered allsorts of misfortunes but now I know what real misfortune is. (The Storyof his Life, Mehring, page 247) After the Communist League disbanded in 1852Marx tried to create another organization much like it. Then, in 1862 the FirstInternational was established in London. Marx was the leader. He made theinaugural speech and governed the work of the governing body of theInternational. When the International declined, Marx recommended moving it tothe United States. The ending of the International in 1878 took much out ofMarx, and made him withdraw from his work; much like the ending of the CommunistLeague had done. This time, it was for good. The last ten years of his life isknown as a slow death. This is because the last eight years manymedical problems affected his life. In the autumn of 1873 he was inflected byapoplexy which effected his brain which made him incapable of work and anydesire to write. After weeks of treatment in Manchester, he recovered fully. Hecontrolled the demise of his health. Instead of relaxing in his old age he wentback to work on his own studies. His late nights and early mornings decreasedhis health in the last few years of his life. In January of 1883, after thedeath of his daughter Jenny, he suffered from Bronchitis and made it almostimpossible to swallow.

Saturday, November 30, 2019

Trade Routes of the Post-Classical World Essay Sample free essay sample

From 600 to 1400 C. E. . two indispensable trade paths of the Post-Classical universe were the Silk Roads and that of the Indian Ocean Basin. which were both huge webs of many ancient paths associating assorted finishs within their intricate systems of trade and exchange. Each of these trade paths yielded highly legion effects and deductions for the hereafter that would impact life on Earth for many old ages to come—and these effects are similar for the major trade paths of the Silk Roads and the Indian Ocean Basin with societal respects to the fact that both paths majorly influenced the important spread of faiths and. therefore. civilizations ; nevertheless. the effects are really different with respects to the ensuing chances for cross-cultural brushs due to the fact that the Silk Road’s spreading of epidemic disease diminished these brushs and the Indian Ocean Basin’s command of sailing techniques allowed for abundant trade to ensue in a rich overplus of cross -cultural exchange. We will write a custom essay sample on Trade Routes of the Post-Classical World Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Both the trade and exchange happening through the Silk Roads and through the Indian Ocean Maritime webs resulted in the spread of faiths. In both instances. this is because the huge webs of roads were a medium for merchandisers coming from fatherlands of imperially sponsored faiths to merchandise and set up communities where they would advance their religion along the manner. in order that mission work might be accomplished and so that common cultural imposts between their ain state and the foreign lands with which they trade would make a peaceable relationship in which both parties would profit from common regard and apprehension. From 200 B. C. to 700 C. E. on the Silk Roads. Buddhism was the most outstanding and popular religion among the traveling merchandisers due to emperor Ashoka’s imperial sponsorship back in India. The religion foremost started to pull converts in legion oasis towns. where the merchants—along with their full caravans—found safety in the signifier of nutrient. H2O. shelter. and markets. These oasis towns allowed the merchandisers to construct Buddhist monasteries. which all owed the oasis towns to go widely distributed centres that majorly supported Buddhism. From here. Buddhism spread to the steppe lands of cardinal Asia and even further to China. Japan. and Korea. In add-on. Hinduism besides spread through the Indian Merchants going to Southeast Asia on the Silk Roads. Many swayers of Southeast Asia and other assorted islands near Asia such as Sumatra and Java either converted to Buddhism or promoted the Hindu Cults. engaging advisers of these faiths and edifice monasteries and temples. Furthermore. Christianity and Manichaeism besides established bridgeheads in parts of Asia and the Mediterranean Basin due to the handiness of huge webs of roads on which missionaries of these faiths could go. On the other manus. the traveling of merchandisers and peoples of assorted civilizations which led to the establishing of new faiths besides occurred through the exchange in the Indian Ocean Basin trade web. From the seventh century through the fifteenth century. Muslim merchants—that were posterities of Persian and Arab Mariners during the times of Muhammad himself— dominated transit and trade webs between India and other lands. As they traded. they took upon themselves the rules of jehad and established diaspora communities and married adult females of different civilizations along the trade paths so that the entreaty of Islam would go more outstanding in Indian communities as the medium was more through trade than merely suppressing ; as suppressing would of course raise a negative impact. Some Indians converted to Islam right off. trusting to derive a higher place in society ; nevertheless. others did non accept Islam so easy. The Islamic Sufi mystics that sailed through the Indian Ocean Basin with trading merchandisers developed a more popular and widespread followers of Islamic civilization and faith in India. On the contrary to this major similarity. the direct effects and long-run impacts of the highly important and huge trade webs of the Silk Roads and the Indian Ocean Basin face a notable difference in that. after the extremum of the usage of the Silk Roads. cross-cultural brushs between civilisatio ns really began to worsen ; whereas with the Indian Ocean Trade Networks. cross-cultural brushs reached a extremum after the flood tide of its usage. What is meant by this is that. because of the epidemics of diseases brought approximately by the Silk Roads. this demographic diminution brought approximately negative economic and societal alteration in bend. Once the trade within the imperiums of China and of Rome declined due to awful epidemics of variola. rubeolas. and of class the ill-famed bubonic plague—killing 1000000s upon 1000000s of people— the antecedently incorporate economic systems of China and Rome were automatically transformed into progressively self-sufficing regional economic systems. This of class led to a complete deficiency of cross-cultural brushs and trade. which has shown itself to be the prototype of successful imperiums and civilisations in the larger universe. And it is because of this deficiency of cross-cultural exchange and support that serious instability occurred in China after the Han dynasty prostration ; and finally in the Mediterranean—the autumn of the western Roman imperium . In the instance of the Indian Ocean Basin Trade webs. the state of affairs of epidemic disease taking to a deficiency of cross-cultural brushs did non happen. On the reverse. after the extremum of its usage. the Indian Ocean Basin achieved abundant cross-cultural brushs and exchange due to a command of sailing techniques. and therefore a mostly productive and active trading economic system due to the maritime advantages achieved by certain naval finds. For illustration. larger ships such as the dhows—favored by Arab. Persian. and Indian merchandisers and sailors—and Asiatic debriss. were big and could therefore travel more swimmingly and expeditiously through the Waterss. In add-on. the magnetic compass. invented by the Chinese. every bit good as the Lateen sails both allowed for more efficient travel every bit good. which of course heightened the usage of maritime travel and trade. These naval advantages were particularly put into action when trade majorly heightened after the constitution of the Umayyad dynasty and the Abbasid dynasty. and its effects were really significantly witnessed upon the constitution of specialised production due to increased trade in the Indian Ocean Basin after that. Overall. these huge webs of trade and exchange of the Silk Roads and the Indian Ocean Basin resulted in legion long-run effects that doubtless changed the class of history. Whether it was the spread of epidemics and diseases o r the debut of new engineerings and trades. these effects yielded dramatic effects for the universe during the clip of 600-1400 C. E. . and much further into the hereafter as good.

Monday, November 25, 2019

Totalitarianism in the Soviet Union essays

Totalitarianism in the Soviet Union essays The events surrounding the rise of Stalin in the Soviet Union and the rise of dictators like Mussolini and Hitler in Europe proved to be a defining mark of the 1930's and early 1940's. As such, these dynamic figures ushered in a new era in which the West was brought face to face with words such as totalitarianism, fascism, National Socialism, and the realities of a disintegrated Europe, that increasingly relied on ideological remedies to systemic problems. In this way, many scholars have concluded that the regimes of Stalin and Hitler were not themselves totalitarian as much as they were merely representations of what some have termed "organized chaos". However, such a view, although it has some merit, flies in the very face of prior and existing definitions of the term as well as the key signs that these regimes demonstrated prior to the Second World War. As such, this brief essay will attempt to chronicle some of the ways in which both of these regimes epitomized totalitarianis m in every aspect of the word. For purposes of clarity, this essay will utilize one of the prominent Soviet historians Robert Conquest's definitions of totalitarianism. Conquest says the following, "Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a political system where the state holds total authority over the society and seeks to control all aspects of public and private life wherever necessary (Conquest 74). As such, the all-encompassing nature of the state and the level to which the state is controlling nearly every aspect of the life of the society is the predominant factor. Naturally, when one considers the level of totalitarianism that existed within both the Soviet and National Socialist systems, it will be necessary to consider the following freedoms: economic, political, social, press, and art. As this analysis will make manifestly clear, both regimes sought outright control of nearly every aspect of these freedoms that have been enumerated upon....

Friday, November 22, 2019

Biblical Integration

How much better to get wisdom than gold. Webster defines wisdom as; knowledge that is gained by having any experiences in life: the natural ability to understand things that most other people cannot understand: and knowledge of what is proper or reasonable: good sense or Judgment. To me God is the foundation of wisdom he is all knowing and gives us all of our experiences in life in order to grow closer to him though faith. To get insight rather than silver, to have knowledge and understanding of Christ is more important than any amount of silver and gold here on earth. Wisdom is a priceless gift that God shares with us and should be valued above all things. The highway of the upright avoids evil. Integrity is the quality of being honest and fair: the state of being complete or whole (Webster). God expects us to take the high road and avoid sin. By being honest and avoiding evil means to be upright. Even if the rough is tough we should walk upright with integrity. God did not promise that it would be an easy Journey but the reward of eternal life with him would be the ultimate goal and glory. He that keepeth his way preserveth his soul. To me this passage describes diligence. Diligence is defined as; persevering application and the attention and care legally expected or required of a person (as a party to a contract) (Webster). God expects us to stay the course and look only to him for guidance even when we are unable to make sense of our surroundings or things that are happening in our lives. We should be diligent in our faith and beliefs in him our Lord, and Savior Jesus Christ. Proverbs 21 :5 lets us know that God has great things in store for us if we work diligently and with integrity. In regards to time management, it has only been possible some weeks to complete course assignments and studies through the grace of God and prayer. Through faith that the Lord has allowed me to make the right decisions and trust that he has not put more on me than I could bear I have been able to stay the course and follow the path that he has laid out for me. It is described in the scripture that through diligence and hard work we are able to achieve all things through faith in God. In attending online college academic integrity is a huge art of the perspective. These verses can be applied in the expectations of academic integrity. When completing assignments, plagiarism whether intentionally or this scripture God give us the foundation of wisdom to choose to make the right decisions and he expects us to live upright and follow his way through tough times. No reward can be gained through the path of sin. Reference http://www. biblestudytools. com/commentaries/gills-exposition-of-the-bible/ proverbs-16-17. html http://www. merriam-webster. com/dictionary/

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Exploring Services Management Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Exploring Services Management - Assignment Example By 2005, the organization had more than 400 Subway stores all within the UK and the company was expanding and aims at attaining 800 stores within the next two years. Within an extensively competitive market, qualitative study indicated that Subway was misinterpret and went to being harassed by non-users. Further to the present  £1.99 ‘Daily Special’, sandwich offer, required to boost tryout and develop frequency, was decaying. Marketing was required to propel modern clients and develop trust (Milford, 2011). The transition that was implemented within the organization, nonetheless, changed and brought tremendous success to the organization that was at the edge of collapsing. A local text turned into a national awareness, offering phenomenal numbers and move forward to international proposition. The real product traded by the firm did not change – rather it was re-branded repositioned, and re-launched. Within the initial local examination, a venture of  £400,000 within 11 weeks produced a boost up of similar store sales of 12% yearly and 12% return on investment. For three consecutive flying and a year later, the trial region income rose to 30% (Liutu, 2010). Such successes are attributed to the Subway chain owner Fred Deluca who opened the initial store in 1965. He went ahead to built a multi-billion dollar franchisee business. Varied with its main competitor McDonald, there are no â€Å"firm possessed stores.† The notion of modernly produced Subs drove the chain to its grade as a real market leader within the largely competitive US market mainly on fast-food industry. In 2006, the company had more than 25,000 stores and the sole proprietor Fred was on a list and positioned 242 out of the 400 richest Americans. The initial store in UK was introduced in 1996, and by 2004, a mean of fifteen fresh stores were launch monthly and existence along Top Street was planned to double within the next two years. Regardless of

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Geography Gendered feminism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Geography Gendered feminism - Essay Example Such inner yearnings cause even death of them. (Barbara de Angelis, 1994, pp197). Geologically land is termed feminine. Through time and space, femininity is not given its due recognition. Masochism is construed as a quality of femininity where as the same attitude in men are considered as cowardice or slavery. Millions of clerks of both sexes throughout the world are almost having masochistic attitude only. Painting masochism as the quality of women has added burden to them, leading to a sort of 'gender exploitation' of women. These developments do not have any territorial difference on the earth. However shades of differences in this type of gender exploitation prevails in various manifestations in various lands. In countries like India, there are still many regions where common women cannot occupy an equal status in public places. On boarding a public bus a lady cannot occupy her seat next to a man and nor a man is permitted to sit near a woman. This practice is very slowly fading. People of metro cities are a bit bold enough to break this customary. But small towns and villages are still viewing the scene utterly awkward. In many places the booking counters are provided with separate structural arrangements for eves. The pathetic plight of school going girls, especially those in the verge if puberty who suffer a lot for want of toilets in Ethiopia is a challenge for feministic researchers. The economic and social barriers there are very strong enough to yield to such feministic ideologies. FLUIDITY OF GENDER IDENTITY In fixing identities, unlike other entities like race, color, class and religion, gender occupies a fluid condition. This fluidity in the fixing of gender identity is manipulated in several societies. Thus, geographers find it a bit tricky to fix the gender identity. Wife battering prevails in all countries irrespective of their development and civilization. But the batterer always takes advantage only of the gender. It is the feministic approach that posed question whether such superiority over femininity is natural. To derive an answer to this question, one has to analyze the age-old custom of patriarchy in almost all societies of the world. Geographers all over the world find a healthy tone in such analysis, which tries to evaluate and judge the patriarchy from the viewpoint of both the genders. Eradication or trial to eradicate patriarchy is not a solution. Feminism thus paves way to identify and locate the importance and entitlement of femininity. Feminism in many countries takes its own speed depending upon the cultural and socialistic environments of the nations. Developed countries are fast in this approach. The high speed has led to emergence of gay movement and lesbianism as byproducts. The sex-based lesbianism and gay movements give a picture that male domination or male chauvinism can be countered to some extent. Whether this is true or not is yet to be cleared. Even elite group of societies is not clear in the ideologies of lesbianism and gay movement to such an extent that they can pressurize some political group and governments to legally permit such practices. Homosexuals find it nice to enter into 'civil partnership', which has now been legally permitted in England. Great Britain, which criminalized carnal intercourse during 1860 in one of its colonial regiment, as an act against the order of nature, now permits her gays to get

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Outsiders - how does the attack on Johnny affect the boys Essay Example for Free

The Outsiders how does the attack on Johnny affect the boys Essay In the book The Outsiders a boy named Johnny is attacked by a rival gang called the Socs. In this essay I am going to explain how the attack on Johnny has affected the whole gang and friends of Johnny both emotionally and physically. We known the attack was dreadful from the reaction from each of the gang members. Also we know the attack was awful because there was blood on Johnnys clothes and there where marks from where he had been punch from rings from one the Socs. His white t-shirt was splattered with blood. Soda pop was the first to reach Johnny after he had been attacked. Sodapop was gentle and calm in making the situation better rather than worse. Its okay Johnnycake there gone now this shows how Sodapop acts as Johnnys fatherly figure as Johnny really doesnt have one at home. Ponyboy arrives second. Sodapop is sick to his stomach and terrified to what the Socs have done I just stood there trembling with sudden cold. This shows how the attack on Johnny was particularly bad and how beat up Johnny was. Steve arrived third and was immediately felt sick. Steve closed his eyes and muffled a groan. This shows that Steve is kind of saying in his mind oh no. Two bit Mathews arrived fourth and was not smile as usually. And for once his comical grin was gone and his dancing eyes were stormy. This is another sign to show that the attack was bad because two bit Matthews is always happy even in a bad situation. Dally arrived fifth and had the worst reaction of all dally was there to and was swearing under his breath and turning away sick expression on his face this shows that is extremely bad because dally had seen people killed on the streets of New York and remained unaffected. This proves how Johnny was affected physically. Darry came fourth darry had seen us from the porch and ran toward us suddenly skidding to a halt. This shows that the attack was so bad that if you saw it you would just stop. I believe all the boys acted emotionally thinking of Johnny only especially sodapop. Johnny was most affected from the act for several reasons. and Johnny who was the most law abiding of us , now carried in his back pocket a six inch switchblade. Johnny who is usually the best acted of the bunch of boys know carries a flip knife around with him everywhere he goes and he never goes alone anywhere. The attack on him has had such an affect because we were used to seeing Johnny banged up before his father clobbered him around a lot but Johnny still remained firm after a beating and never cried. So it meant that the beatings had finally broken him. This proved how Johnny had been affected emotionally. S.E. Hilton uses a lot of descriptive phrase and words to describe how the attack on Johnny was horrible. And this is shown in the book. Allowing the reader to feel and literally see what has happened to Johnny through the reactions and thoughts of the greaser gang.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Contrasting Relationships of Three Couples in Shakespeares As You Like It. :: essays research papers

Love is the central theme in the play ‘As You Like It’ by William Shakespeare, the author expressed many types of love in the play. Some of them are, brotherly love, lust for love, loyal, friendship love, unrequited love, but of course, romantic love is the focus of this play. There are four main couples in the play, but only three couples we could see the development of their love, they are Rosalind and Orlando, Silvius and Phebe, Touchstone and Audrey. Today, I am going to talk about the contrast of love between these three couples. First, I would like to talk about the love between Rosalind and Orlando. From the beginning of the play, the reader can clearly sense them are the hero and the heroine of the story. Rosalind is beautiful, and Orlando is handsome, the way they fell in love at first sight is traditional, Orlando’s good nature and bravery won her heart in Act 1, Scene 2. However, if it was just like that, it would be a bit boring, therefore, a new dimension was added to this love when Rosalind was banished by Duke Frederick in A1 S3, and decided to disguise as a male- Ganymede and escape to the Forest of Arden. Their love was tested by the new gender of Rosalind. Before the lovers met again in the forest, Rosalind found poems verses on a tree in A3 S2. All the pictures fairest lin’d, Are but black to Rosalind Let no face be kept in mind, But the fair of Rosalind As the audience will see, the verses are really bad. Orlando probably has seen this kind of courting in the city but does not know how to write quality verses. Nevertheless, Rosalind was extremely excited when Celia told her it was Orlando who wrote it. Shakespeare used the language technique of repetition to present the excitement †¦ Did he aske for me? How parted he wit thee, and when shalt thou see him again? Answer me in one word. Even for the briefest moment, Rosalind regretted to dress up like a man. But luckily, using her quick-wit, in Act 3 Scene 3, she cunningly persuaded Orlando into love-counselling by letting him pretend to woo her. She states that love is merely madness and deserves to be whipped. Then she intelligently said about the marks of a love which Orlando did not have.

Monday, November 11, 2019

What must be done to protect New Zealand’s wildlife

There is much said about protecting native species all around the world and New Zealand is no exception. In New Zealand we are facing challenges of our own when it comes to protecting and conserving our native species. This challenges range from oil spills to climate change to over-harvesting (in particular whale hunting). It is common reality that more needs to be done to protect our native New Zealand species. And this needs collective effort from each and every one of us to protect our native species-the government, NGOs and citizens. in my essay I will be emphasising on what we can do as individuals to contribute to protecting and conserving the native species and these includes reducing our carbon footprint, considering our lifestyle and lastly speaking out. I will then conclude by emphasising these points. Brief Background Due to its long geological isolation since breaking away from the supercontinent Gondwana about 80 million years ago, New Zealand’s plant and animal life has developed down a unique evolutionary path. Many of our native plants and animals are endemic – that is, found nowhere else in the world. The level of endemism among New Zealand plants and animals is one of the highest in the world. The tuatara, moa, kiwi, kokako, saddleback, huia, kakapo, native frogs and giant carnivorous land snails are just some of the species that are uniquely New Zealand. This isolation in the absence of mammalian predators for millions of years also meant that many of our native species were virtually defenceless against attack – for example, many of our native birds like the kiwi are flightless and nest on the ground. When humans – first Maori and then European settlers – arrived in New Zealand, introduced mammals came with them: rats, possums, stoats, ferrets, weasels, deer, pigs, mice, cats, dogs and others. These introduced species quickly took a heavy toll as they preyed and browsed on New Zealand’s largely defenceless native species, or competed with them. Human activities such as felling and burning vegetation and draining wetlands also destroyed much of the native species’ habitats. Native species such as the moa, huia, and the world’s largest-ever eagle, the Haast’s eagle, the South Island kokako and many others became extinct. Many more, such as the Takahe, the Kakapo and the long-tailed bat were radically reduced in number and remain perilously close to extinction today. Against this backdrop, the protection of our native species becomes ever more urgent. Thus this brings me to my emphasis on what we can do as individuals to protect our native species. Protection of our native species doesn’t only mean big campaigns by organization such as green peace o world wildlife fund. It also concerns us as individuals to contribute in our own small ways in protecting our native species. Unfortunately, we as individuals don’t realise these. Therefore, there are three things that I believe we can do to help in protecting our native species. They are reducing our carbon footprint, considering our lifestyles and last of all speaking out. Reduce our carbon footprint Each and every one of us can help save the planet from runaway climate change. Carbon emissions have been scientifically proven to be one of the main contributors to global warming. And as individuals, we think that releasing of carbon to the atmosphere is mainly done by factories of all sorts without realising that we also contribute to that. Therefore I believe that we have a responsibility to ensure that we minimise this. So this is how it can be done. Ever wondered how much difference your small actions really make? If every New Zealand household took these three simple actions, it could have a big impact. First of all, go car-free one day a week. Transport is a major contributor to New Zealand's emissions (20%). If everyone in New Zealand who currently drives to work were to walk, cycle or take public transport on just one day per week, it would save up to 114,000 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year (Landcare Research’s carboNZero Programme Dec 2008). Secondly, we must switch our bulbs. If every household swapped their remaining old-style light bulbs for new energy efficient ones, this could save up to 0.6 billion kWh of electricity or 106,800 tonnes of CO2 equivalent per year (Landcare Research’s carboNZero Programme in December 2008) Thirdly, we must turn un-needed appliances off at the wall. When not in use things like heated towels rails and appliances on standby account for almost 1 billion kWh of electricity per year or 165,700 tonnes of CO2 equivalent (Landcare Research’s carboNZero Programme in December 2008). If every household simply turned these off, we could make a big saving. So if all of the above actions are taken, it all adds up to us as individually contributing to reducing carbon emissions. According to Landcare research, the combined impact of these actions would be an emissions reduction of 386,500 tonnes CO2 equivalent per year. This is equivalent to over 839,000 car journeys from Kaitaia to Invercargill (Landcare Research’s carboNZero Programme in December 2008). Figures are based on work by Landcare Research’s carboNZero Programme in December 2008 commissioned by WWF-New Zealand. Consider our lifestyle Have we ever wondered how our lifestyles can contribute to carbon emissions which impact on the environment? In our pursuit of pleasure, enjoyment and expensive lifestyle we have become careless-careless in the sense that we are consuming things that we don’t really need. Carbon emissions are created by stuff – the more stuff you buy, use, consume and throw away the more you’re contributing to climate change. Did we ever known that? I guess no. Take a look at what we really need. Can we cut down on anything? By eating meat and animal products our carbon footprint will be higher than on a vege diet. Can we eat less meat? Garbage emits methane – a greenhouse gas – as it breaks down. Can we reduce our waste? Clothes, furniture, electrical goods – everything really – takes resources to produce and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions as it is moved around the planet. Can you buy less stuff and local stuff instead? Or above all consume only stuff that we really need. You can help – Speak out The last thing we can do is speak out. There are petitions made by organizations such as Greenpeace and World Wildlife Fund (WWF) to the government. The best we can do to help is to sign up. One such petition is the Forest & Bird’s petition. You can help by signing Forest & Bird's petition to save sea lions. In this petition, WWF is calling on the New Zealand Government to immediately take the following action: 1. Determine the relative importance of the threats facing the sea lions. 2. Revise the Department of Conservations Sea Lion Species Management Plan. – (The revised plan should provide clear, time-bound actions to address the main threats identified in the comparative assessment.) 3. Develop an improved population model to guide sea lion mortality limits. – (The model should address the flaws in the current model and also consider the effect of food competition and epidemics.) 4. Set a precautionary mortality limit for sea lions in the squid fishery. – (This limit should be based on the improved population model and on a conservative assessment of the effectiveness of sea lion exclusion devices.) 5. Set an explicit sea lion mortality limit in the Campbell southern blue whiting fishing. 6. Set precautionary allocations of squid and other southern ocean fish stocks. – (These allocations should be ecologically based and explicitly considers direct and indirect effects of fishing on sea lions.) The numbers of sea lion pups are in freefall – estimates from the Department of Conservation show pup production has halved since 1998. So we can play our part by signing the petition. Conclusion To conclude, we must know that protecting native New Zealand species does not concern only the government or organizations such as WWF. It also concerns us as individuals to contribute in our own small ways. We need a collective effort to protect New Zealand’s native species.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Supporting children and young people’s positive behaviour

Supporting Children and Young People's positive behaviour. 1. 2. Describe with examples the importance of all staff consistently and fairly applying boundaries and rules for children and young people's behaviour in accordance with the policies and procedures of the setting. Boundaries: These are the limits within which behaviour is acceptable or what may, and may not be done. Boundaries are there to guide children and young people's behaviour in the setting and it is very important for all staffs to consistently apply these boundaries fairly.Behaviour is learnt from what we see others do or say, so, it s very important for the staff to watch children closely and make sure that they apply the boundaries at all times. The importance of staffs applying the rules and boundaries are: It helps children and people to know what is right from wrong. For example, when a child knows what is right from wrong, or what is acceptable and what is not, then they will be able to do the right thing mos t of the time.If they know jumping is not allowed in the setting then they are going to behave accordingly. If all staff applies the boundaries and rules of their settings, then children will not feel hey are being misled. For example, one staff says they can bring snacks to school and another staff says they are not allowed to bring snacks. If this happens, a child will get confused and feel misled by one of the staff. It enables all the staff to be consistent in their approach in dealing with behaviour issues.For example, if there is no consistency in staff applying the boundaries and rules then there will be chaos in the setting, and this will not help positive behaviour in children. But if there is consistency then every child in the setting will know that no matter whom they go to n the setting, they will always get one answer. The importance of all staff being fair, and consistent are: It helps children to develop a sense of responsibility for their own actions and encourages them to think about the consequences of their behaviour.For example, the rule says no running in the corridor and staff keep reminding children about it all the time then, when a child runs in the corridor the others will tell him or her no running, and he or she will know that if they run, they will fall and when they fall, they will hurt themselves. So, they know what will happen when they disobey. It ensures that the school rules are enforced and children behave in a responsible manner.For instance, when staffs are consistent in applying the rules then there will be order in the settings and the promotion of good behaviour. Children will also know what the rules and boundaries are and therefore behave accordingly. It ensures that all children are treated fairly by staff applying the equal opportunity procedures. For example, when two children behave inappropriately, they both must receive the same sanction, one should not be favoured over the other. When two hildren fght, you hav e to listen to both sides and be fair in your Judgement.Some children behave inappropriately all the time but they must not be victimized in situations but rather listened to and treated tairly as other children It helps children with unwanted behaviour to improve and behave positively. For instance, if a child likes to pinch other children and all the staffs apply the rules consistently, that child is bound to change from that unwanted behaviour to positive behaviour. How to set fair rules and boundaries: Setting realistic rules for the setting; For example, ensuring the set rules are ppropriate for age and stage of development.For instance, setting a rule for one to two years that says, â€Å"No crying for toys or You must share,† that is not realistic based on their age and level of understanding. By involving the children in setting the rules and boundaries. If the children are involved in the rule setting then they will apply it because they will always remember and obey it. If everybody agrees on the set rules and boundaries. This means they understand what they are agreeing to so therefore, they can live by it and when others are behaving inappropriately, they will let them know it is unacceptable behaviour.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Scholarship Application Essay

Scholarship Application Essay Scholarship Application Essay There are so many scholarships worth billions of dollars that are available year after year-but to get your share of the pie you need to write a scholarship application essaythat can outdo the efforts of your competitors. Before writing a scholarship application essay, it is important for you to think through what you are going to write about and why. After deciding on a topic that you are passionate and knowledgeable about, you should give an in depth insight of it After completion of your scholarship application essay, you need to check it thoroughly for spelling and grammar mistakes A scholarship application essayshould start with an introductory paragraph that introduces the topic and spells out your thesis statement; leading in to a follow up paragraph that starts with a transition word or phrase that relates to the last sentence of the essay. Three or more body paragraphs that elaborate a point each; written in order of importance should end with a strong conclusion in the final paragraph. This should reinforce all the findings that validate your thesis statement. The scholarship application essaybody paragraphs should consist of a sentence indicating the topic, evidence that supports your thesis statement and a concluding sentence that summarizes the paragraph. The first step to write a scholarship application essayis to chalk out an outline. You can do this by jotting the main topic along with as many supporting details as you can. Use this outline to write your essay efficiently and easily. Add a personalized touch Play up your strengths by adding as many examples as you can to substantiate your claims. It is also a good idea to refer to some winning Scholarship essays before actually starting your own. Once you go through some successful scholarship essays analyze why you think they have accomplished what they have set out to do. Notice the dramatic and captivating introduction as well as the personal details that make it different to any other run of the mill essay. Go on line to get some goodscholarship application essayexamples or ask your college councilor to give you access to some winning scholarship application essays-then put on your thinking cap to see how you can use these examples as models to enhance your own scholarship application essay:http://.com/blog/scholarship-application-essay-writing Best of luck! Read also: Communism Paper Philosophy Term Biology Term Paper Sport Research Paper Research Paper Topics Free Research Papers

Monday, November 4, 2019

Chance of Success for E-Commerce Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Chance of Success for E-Commerce - Essay Example Around the world, photography has become a growing interest among individuals. With the addition of phones with cameras in them, the number of pictures that an average person takes per day can be anywhere between 20 to 50 pictures. These amateur photographers also like to share their photos with others but do not have much of a platform for this. The aim of â€Å"† is to give these individuals a chance to show their photographs and get recognized among others for their brilliance. The target audience varies from is upcoming young artists to other keen amateur photographers who just have the desire to show their talent to the world. In short, people all around the world will be able to use this platform with registered usernames. The site will offer three different types of registrations, amateur accounts, basic professional accounts and elite professional accounts. By offering limited access to the amateur accounts, we expect most users to upgrade to one of the pro fessional accounts to gain access to more user upload space and unlimited uploads. The amateur account and basic professional accounts will also have restrictions on the sizes of the photographs uploaded. To counter these restrictions, the elite professional account will be restriction free with unlimited photograph sizes and storage space. Also, an added online photo editor application will be available only to the elite professional users. This will target individuals who are interested in displaying their work or individuals who appreciate professional photography and are interested in buying photographs that appeal to them. Google, Bing and Facebook ads will be used to deliver the website name to the targeted people. The elements that the website will use to have an effective strategy for the website marketing are 4Ps i.e. price, promotion, place, and products. There will be very strong online competition from websites that have already been present in the market for similar pur poses such as â€Å"†. â€Å"† already focuses on providing its art products to the public by purchasing them online. (Wall Art at To tackle our competition, the website of will provide an easy platform to use and also provide online photo editing applications. The website will also provide its basic professional and elite professional accounts with free of cost advertising of their photographs. A SWOT analysis has been conducted to get a better perspective of the competition and to analyze the website and its competitor strategies. The SWOT analysis has been provided in this report. To operate our core processes, we would have the bank which would be dealing with all the online transactions of users and buyers. On the other hand, we would get a corporate account with â€Å"† to counter the mass online storage of all the photos involved. â€Å"† has been a leader in the field of provi ding professional online solutions to companies which require storage. (Simple Online Collaboration: Online File Storage). These will be our primary two agents in the middle to help us operate our website once it is up and running. An investment of roughly $7000 will also be involved in the set-up of the website. This will also involve a payment of $500 dollars every time the website needs to be updated to meet new requirements.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Case Study Assignment Company Analysis Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Assignment Company Analysis - Case Study Example They use all the information available or that can be reasonably obtained - consisting of known information and beliefs about the future (inferred information). Being the determinant of stock prices, information is the central issue of the efficient market concept. An efficient market is defined as one in which the prices of securities fully reflect all known information quickly and accurately (Jones 1991). The current price of a stock incorporates or fully reflect all information that investors assimilate in the process of making their buy and sell decisions. According to this concept, it is assumed that all known information -- including past information (such as last years or quarters earnings), current information, and events that have been announced but not yet implemented, such as a stock split -- are fully reflected in the price. Other information that can be reasonably inferred such as a change in interest rates will also be reflected in the prices even before the event occur s. By "quickly and accurately" is meant the speed at which information is received by its users, instantaneously in most cases, particularly with current electronic communications availability enabling brokerage houses, institutional investors and others to obtain any information and process it for quick decisions. For individuals without such easy access, information can reach them a few hours or a day later. It is not quite easy to determine what accuracy in price adjustment means, but the theory simply assumes that an unbiased estimate of the equilibrium price is established after all investors have fully assessed the input of the information (Jones 1991). New information about a companys profitability can affect the price of its stock such that it has a positive excess return, described as that portion in the price not accounted for by the overall market movement. On an average day, the difference between the price and the overall market, the

Thursday, October 31, 2019

GOPIO Round Table event Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

GOPIO Round Table event - Essay Example The UK GOPIO Round Table is expected to be held in Greenwich at Miami Beach Convention Center. The venue was preferred due to the following factors; the convention centre has ultra modern conference facilities that are well spacious to accommodate large attendances. The facilities have the best hospitality and catering services (Gathani, 2004Pg 21). They also boast of a better accommodation services. Besides, the placating weather brings a suitable ambience that ushers you to a conference zone. The targeted capacity of the venue is about fifty participants with in mind of the up-coming event. Nevertheless, the facility can host more in case a need of expansion arises. The convention is expected to commence at 2pm on daily basis and ends at 7pm. The time provided is ample enough to cater for each and every presentation scheduled plus other related program. Owing to that, here is a list of the expected speakers in the event; Sunder Katwala, the Director of British Future Think Tank, Lord Khalid Hameed, Priti Patel (MP), Prof. JoyaChatterjee (author of the South Asian Diaspora Handbook 2012), RakeshRawal, a CEO and Lord Karan Billimoria. Presentations and demonstrations are also expected from a section of the audience (Gathani, 2004Pg 34). For the sake of marketing, there is a Google Plus page for this event: More information on the event is also available on the Eventbrite page: The various tasks to be done were designated to departments. An operation committee was established comprising of four members and was expected to carry out the following roles: Link all the existing five departments and ensure that each performs its own role. Carry out catering and its supervision; maintain the venue, keeping the registration details,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Research Methods Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Methods - Research Proposal Example The points and techniques that such data use to analyze research data are expounded in a manner to capture the essence. Data analysis refers to the assessment of data or information using methods that will establish the trends, relationships, and patterns, which can be initiated in the data. Hence, it involves subjecting data to statistical procedures to create relationships that exist between variables. There are two types of data, quantitative Data that requires collected information that can be interpreted into numbers and qualitative data. The composition includes opinions, quotes, and descriptions that are collected. Data analysis helps to identify if there was any substantial change in the variables that are dependent and can bring about power in the data. Data analysis can also reveal factors that produce changes in the variables that are dependent. It also establishes the power that exists among different conditions, which affect the evaluation results. The analysis of data of the organization is associated with some limitations. Most of the results evaluated only experiment a sample of the group, so it does not fully embody the organization as a whole. When statistics is misused, it leads to substantial errors that can bring about devastating decision making in an organization. On the other hand, techniques applied correctly, the interpretation of the results may be difficult to an organization that has no expertise. The significance statistical data of a trend computes the level in which the trend could be influenced by variations in the random sample might not be in agreement with its significance. In addition, experts may interpret data that only favors an organization exempting out data that could be useful for future use. Data coding refers to a systematic method to reduce large sets of data into smaller units that can be analyzed by designing categories and derivative concepts from the data. Coding will be developed when testing

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Construction Industry In India | Profile

Construction Industry In India | Profile The present study reports profile of construction industry in India. It points that construction industry is one of the oldest industries providing ample employment to the people from village level to metropolitan cities. The size of construction industry ranges from small company owned by one or two individuals to a large industry employing thousands of people. In the present work inherent nature of construction industry have been discussed and concluded that it is infrastructure or capital formation industry, which directly and indirectly uses capital goods and all other types of resources. It has been also highlighted that government agencies has direct interference in construction activity right from acquisition of land to commissioning of the project. To face the temporal variation of feast and famine state of construction industry emphasis on systematized management has been suggested. Like any other business, failure of construction companies is also very common. This issue has also been overviewed. Incompetence, lack of experience, newness, smallness and financial handicap are the few reasons cited for such failures. It has been concluded that lessons should be learnt from failures as success is never final and failure is never fatal. It is the courage of management that counts. At last it is not failure but low aim is a crime. Key words: Construction industry, management, project, cost, infrastructure. 1. Introduction: Historically construction industry is one of the oldest and largest industry in unorganised sector providing ample employment to the people. Before the independence, the construction activity in India was confined to building of dwellings, religious places like mosques and temples etc. at individual and community level, with the use of traditional techniques, which are still being used in developing countries like India. The Taj Mahal and Lal Quila are the legandry example of competence of Indian talent in the field of construction .However very authentic record of the construction operation of these buildings are not available today. The history of systematised or organised construction practice in India can be traced back to around 1847 AD when Lord Dalhouise established the Public Works Department, called PWD, today, to construct civil engineering structure which included road, small dams, canals etc. The department worked successfully for 100 years. In 1947, the independent India decided to launch a mammoth multipurpose river valley project, called Bhakhra Nangal Project on the river Sutlej in the North West India for irrigation and power generation at a cost of Rs.7750 lakhs in 1952 which amounts today approximately more than Rs.100,000 crore in first five year plan in which 50% of capital outlay was allotted to construction of civil works.[5] The construction of Bhakhra Dam was taken by irrigat ion wing of PWD of Punjab with the help of technical knowhow from foreign help on cost plus basis. This can be considered as a major breakthrough in the field of construction by India as there were no big construction companies available at that time to take up such stupendous job and more over network analysis like Construction Planning Method / also known as Critical Path Method (CPM) and Programme Evaluation Review Technique (PERT) had not taken formal shape. The evolution of Indian construction industry has followed the same general pattern as happened in other countries, initially founded by the government and slowly taken over by small and big enterprises. During execution of Bhakra Nangal dam Indian government realised need of professional competence in the field of construction and the first professional consultancy company National Industrial Development Corporation (N I D C) was established in the public sector in 1954 .Subsequently a number of speciality companies in design and Construction came into existence like Indian Railways Construction Limited (IRCON),National Building Construction Corporation (N B C C),Rail India Transport and Engineering Services (R I T E S),Engineers India Limited(E I L) and in private M N Dastur Co.Hindustan Construction Company are the name worth to be mentioned. In late sixties government allowed foreign collaborations in these services .The guidelines for such collaboration were prepared and issued in 1968 with binding that local consultant would be the principal contractor in such collaborations .The objective behind such binding was to develop indigenous design capabilities comparable to in flown foreign technology and skills. The outcome of this strategy was establishment of joint ventures in India. 2. Construction and National Economy: By just using common sense it can be inferred that economic plans of any country is prepared to improve any particular sector of economy. Improvement or emphasis on any particular sector may or may not need help of other sectors like construction. A microscopic study of economy, irrespective of its state i.e. primary, secondary or tertiary, reveals that development of most of the sectors need help of construction. In nutshell, a gap between demand and supply is necessary for the development of a particular sector. Role of construction and its impact on other area can be seen from Figure 1.1 Thus it can be said that any attention to optimise construction activity will lead to reduction in waste of material, saving of energy and saving of time. This will certainly lead to reduction in cost over runs of other projects. Thus, construction sector is directly or indirectly influences the overall economy of the country. The pattern of Indian economy of last fifty years shows that construction work amounts to around 40% of development investment .Approximately 16% of Indian working population depends on construction for its living .The construction industry creates immobile assets worth over Rs.20000 crore by employing more than 3 crore people .It enhances nations GDP by 5% and gross capital formation of 78%.It is expected that total capital expenditure of state and centre will be approaching Rs.802087 crores during the period 2011-12. This amount indicates an enhancement of Rs.658500 crore from the figure of Rs. 143587 in 1999-2000.In the 21st century there has been an increase in the share of the construction sector in GDP and capital formation .The GDP from construction at factore cost or at current prices increased to Rs. 174571 crores (12.02 % of the total GDP)in 2004 -05 from Rs.16238 crores (10.39% of the total GDP in period 2000-01.The increasing involvement of the private sector in infrastru cture development through public private partnership and the strategy like Build Own Transfer (BOT) can be cited as the main factor for such increase in GDP. However there is always scope for more active participation from private sector in this direction through investment. There are around 200 firms from corporate sector, working in Indian construction industry .The number of registered class A contractors is around 120000 working for local development authority, state departments and central government bodies like CPWD. The number of small contractors and petty contractors working as sub contractors for principal contractors are enormous. So there is ample scope for expansion of construction industry at micro as well as at macro level in form of infrastructure development. NATIONAL ECONOMY Construction industry has some peculiar characteristics like any other industry. Firstly, it is a capital-intensive industry involving current and future outlays of funds with the expectation of a stream of benefits extending far into the future. Secondly, construction project takes a long duration to complete e.g. the Bhakra Dam took fifteen years for its completion (1950-1965) and they also have a long gestation period. Thirdly, the useful life of construction project of national importance is very long usually more than 60 years for most of the major constructions. Fourthly, in construction project, products and services are combined together. In construction, product is fixed and machine and men move, contrary to assembly line production in which product moves. Fifthly, a large construction needs a large land area. Acquisition of such land leads to payment of compensation to the owners of the land, which has legal and political over tones. In some cases like construction of dam, it needs rehabilitation of nearby villages. Such problems usually do not occur with the other industries. Sixthly, cost benefit analysis of public infrastructure created by construction activity such as roads, bridges and dams cannot be done with traditional concept of profit maximisation alone. Special economic tools like Social Cost Benefit Analysis (SCBA) and principles of welfare economics are essential for the valuation of such assets. Seventhly, two construction projects are not identical in every respect. Thus, construction project can be considered as a job work of a large magnitude contrary to any other manufacturing unit producing products at mass scale by a single machine. Eighthly, the human resource working in construction forms a temporary organisation for the project at the site and disperses in different directions as soon as the project is over. Ninthly, experience of generations plays a vital role as most of the construction material directly used after quarrying are the natural material and performance or relative merit of such material takes a long time for its pronouncement, the time may be in decades. Tenthly, death of workers during the execution phase of project is very common, so safety and precaution are primary concerns. Such peculiar characteristics of construction project opened the portals for the development of special managerial tools, like materials management, CPM and PERT to handle the project in a professional manner. In India, construction industry is fragmented and a sizeable construction work is performed by the unorganised sector. Such peculiar characteristic creates favourable conditions for the establishment of a new company. If Construction Company is weighed on the basis of men; material and money following facts come up. As most of the construction is done either on site or precast members, are fabricated and assembled on the site and most of the construction equipment are available on rental basis, thus a little capital is invested in fixed assets and machinery. Construction companies require relatively low working capital as after award of contract, company realises mobilisation advance from owner before starting the work. In India, companies, usually employ labour contractor for the supply of labour force. So very few employees are on the permanent pay roll of the company. These factors are responsible for the birth of small to very big construction companies. This introduces competition in the market. There are pitfalls but a professionally managed construction company is able to pay rich dividend to its owners/shareholders. 3. Constructions and National Development: For any developing country like India, development of infrastructure is the prerequisite for the economic progress of the country. To achieve this objective optimised construction is the need of the hour as capital is a scarce resource 4. Types of Construction: Total construction work can be divided into two broad categories viz. public and private. The public projects i.e. whose direct beneficiary will be the public, is usually handled by the government, of course govt. get it done by any contractor or by construction company by awarding the work through bids and tenders. It is public money or any financial aid or loan from agencies like World Bank, that is spent. Dams, Bridges, Canals, Metro Rail, Power Projects, DUDA,SUDA are typical examples of public projects. Private projects like house of an individual or construction of a factory, a nursing home, hotel or project in which taxpayers money is not involved can be categorised as a private project. Frankly speaking profit motive is always there in most of the private projects. In private projects, capital outlays are less as compared to public projects. Secondly in Indian working environment one cannot afford delay in private projects but cost over runs and delays in public projects are an everyday phenomenon in India. 5. Consumers of Construction Industry: Following are the consumers of construction industry: An Individual Group Housing Societies Centre, State, Local Government and Development Authorities. Corporate Sector Other countries at International level. Every consumer has own peculiar requirements, which are being described in following paragraphs. 5.1 Individuals: An individual needs the services of a construction company for the construction of individual house, which is ordinarily his dream house. In such construction, company cannot ignore individual taste and preferences. Persons who are executing the project have to help and arrive at a decision in advance on the item of choice and colour e.g. colour and size of tile of bathroom, colour, size and quarry of marble stone etc. if construction has to proceed smoothly. 5.2 Group Housing Societies: The housing demand will be around 31 million by 2015(MPRA 2008)In planning and designing of an apartment or building blocks for group housing society, the requirement can be classified into two broad categories. [13] First requirement is of an individual in his house. In a group housing most of the finishing items are left for the individual occupant so he could finish the house as per his choice, taste and preferences. Second requirement is the preferences of a group of people as a whole or community. requirement. To fulfil this requirement planner needs knowledge of architectural sociology, human behaviour, security aspect, and maintenance engineering practices, generosity of the people and cooperation among the people. 5.3 Corporate Sector: Corporate sector hires the services of Construction Company for commercial building, for factory or for office building etc. In such buildings, building economics, cost optimization, requirement of  future expansion and flexibility of the plan are the key issues.There is ample scope for creativity and innovation in corporate sector projects. 5.4 Government Construction: Local Development Authorities, CPWD, PWD of various states etc are the department which look after the construction of government sponsored, civil engineering works. Here Construction Company is guided by strict rules and regulations of the state, for such departments, time factor is least important. 5.5 International Contract: After the Second World War under developed, oil-rich countries were busy in creating infrastructure of the country to boost economic growth. Sometimes even developed countries need huge construction for the events like Olympic and Asian games. These projects are mostly financed by the user country or by some international financing agency like World Bank. In such cases international bids are invited. Construction companies from US, Great Britain, West Germany and France usually take the best part of these contracts. Now competition is increasing. Companies from Japan, South Korea and India are also getting business share in these countries in construction and in setting up of power stations and infrastructure. Those companies who offer turnkey services have bright chances of success in the competition when the nature of job is purely works contract. Here sub contractor is capable of mobilising construction equipments and manpower and gets subcontracts from principal contractor. Joint venture is a very common phenomenon in international contracts. 6. Main Organs of Construction Industry: There are three main organs of construction industry other than the consumer. The Owner The Consultant The Contractor 6.1 The Owner: Civil Engineering Projects are usually cost intensive. Usually the investor does feasibility study in advance. Any investor or promoter is worried about two things. Firstly investor is worried about the rate of return. Secondly the patterns of cash flow. The ideal situation will be high and early return. i.e. on what date what amount is required and from where the same will be arranged. The owner or promoter may be an individual, a government authority, a government department, a corporate house etc. 6.2 The Consultant: In Civil Engineering Projects, Architect, Engineer, Project Manager and Chartered Accountant usually form the panel of consultants. These persons advise the owner on the basis of their knowledge, experience, and know how. It is generally believed that any person who has experience and knowledge can give advice on a particular problem of his field. The basic function of an engineer is to design and do necessary permutation and combination to optimise the solution. Although consultant should have experience, knowledge and wisdom that all certainly come with age but people who are well versed with new material, new technology, new equipment and of course having a lot of energy and enthusiasm to do something new are also desirable on the project. 6.3 The Contractor: In Civil Engineering Project, contractor translates the blue print into reality with the help of work force and material. The practice of contractor ship in civil engineering is perhaps as old as civil engineering itself. A poorly written contract agreement is always a good cause of bone of contention. In contracts, one should always seek the help of a legal expert. This is imperative that owner himself should enhance his knowledge on the subjects like laws of contract, negotiable instrument act and consumer protection act etc. 7. Regulatory Bodies Related with Construction: Regulatory bodies related with any business can be classified into two broad categories viz. general and specific. Income Tax, Labour Court, Labour Union, Electricity Board are the departments with which every business organization has to deal, fall in general category. So every business organization should be well versed with the rules, regulation ,written and unwritten laws of these departments. The regulatory bodies specific to construction at local level are following: (1) Local Development Authority, (2) Pollution Control Board, (3) Water Works and Conservancy, (4) Local Police. 7.1 Local Development Authority: It is the first regulatory body, which is encountered in any construction. Most of the rules, regulations and byelaws of development authorities of province of Uttar Pradesh are given in the book Regulation of Building Operation in Uttar Pradesh. This very book every construction manager should have and should always keep himself in touch with the office of the development authority for the awareness of day-to-day changes in the working and rules and regulation of the authority. In fact, rules, regulation and bye laws are framed to provide healthy living but sometimes these laws are one sided i.e. in favour of government only. Thus, it is advisable that rules should not be violated in ordinary circumstances. However, there is always a provision for the compounding. This is to be weighed by the owners i.e. gain or loss on an unauthorised construction. 7.2 Pollution Control Board (PCB): Now a days regulation regarding environmental pollution have become very stringent in India to, like in advanced countries. Sometimes large projects like construction of power plant, multipurpose river valley project are stopped or even abandoned due to environmental considerations. Most common projects that have been in trouble in the recent past include Tehri Dam in Uttranchal and Narmada in Madhya Pradesh. Clearance from PCB is also necessary for construction of a factory or fabrication of a processing plant. The days are over when effluents were directly discharged into the river. There is no harm in conforming to PCB norms but sometimes these regulations are difficult to obey and PCB acts as a hassle. Planners are advised to incorporate PCB recommendation right from site selection to project formulation. 7.3 Water Works and Conservancy: If construction is to be done in urban area then very first question comes to mind is what will be the source of water during construction. If municipal water supply is used , municipality charges additional tariff on it. So it is advisable that first and foremost job of construction manager is to get a water pump installed and inform the municipality that public water is not being used for construction. The second thing in case of projects like hotel and apartment is the disposal of wastewater and night soil. It is obligatory upon liaison officer of the construction company or construction manager to initiate the issue for the permission of connection of sewer of the building to the municipal sewer. 7.4 Local Police: Local police plays an important role in any construction project in India because development authorities always take the help of police to meet their objectives or in case of mishappening on the site local police has to be taken into confidence. It is obligatory on the part of construction manager to maintain good relations with local police station and police officers of that area. Of course maintenance of such relations, always lead to additional expenditure on the construction company. 8. Business Opportunity in Construction Industry: Construction of infrastructure like road network, canals, urban development, extension and renovation of existing facility are few activities through which capital formation takes place in most of the countries of the world. So there is always ample opportunity for construction from village level to international level for the construction companies, depending upon size and ability and experience of the company. 9. Management in Construction: Based on work experience, it has been observed that most of the construction contractors manage their business in a very unorganised manner. This ultimately leads to failure of business. The numbers of small and medium size companies failures are much more. Construction industry has been characterized as weak inefficient, nebulous, backward and slow to incorporate changing conditions. In a nutshell majority of construction companies are poor absorber of management knowledge. The explanation given for it may be as under. Every construction project is unique in itself and does not need very strict technical standardization. An operation in construction work involves many skills and talent, mostly of non-repetitive nature. Remote location of the project, poor means of transportation and varying productivity of labour are some factors, which are beyond the contractors control. Thus construction business is volatile in nature with many ups and downs. Any construction activity is basically a manufacturing process. So the decision-making people are very few. Any delay in on the spot decisions, increases the cost and hampers the progress of construction. Such complexities lead to a managerial challenge. It does not mean management problems of construction are entirely different from other management problems. Like any other industry, construction industry is also experiencing cutthroat competition. Products and services of construction industry also face temporal variation in demand and supply. Such conditions necessitate the learning of managerial practice specific to construction. Today skilled management is necessary for the survival of construction industry. This maxim has not received adequate attention in construction firms in India. The result is high incidence of failure. 10. Failures of Construction Company: Any construction activity starts from scratch and passes through various intricate processes and finally project ends in a built up facility or reaches to start up phase of the project and finally project becomes operational. Like other business in construction business also ,there are many slips between cup and lip. The failure of construction business is a subject of analytical inquiry and a matter of concern. So many investigators have examined the issue. A few are being reported here. Dun Bradstreet (1985-1994) have studied the failure of Construction Company for many years (10 years). They list the following reasons for the failures.[1] Incompetence Unbalanced experience Lack of managerial experience Lack of experience in particular line Neglect Fraud Disaster Reasons unknown The first four items listed in above list account for over 90 percent of the failures. This fact exhibits that financial success of Construction Company depends almost entirely upon the quality of its management. Sometimes prolonged work, poor profit margin, lack of proper accounting procedure can be cited as reason for the failure. If we club all these reasons, it points towards poor management. Recently Kale and Arditi (1998) have done a thorough investigation in this direction. They conclude that newness, adolescence and smallness are three major factors, which are responsible for failure of construction companies.[2] Arditi found budgetary and macroeconomic issues as main reason. [8] Kivrak and Arslan(2008) have examined the critical factors causing the failure of construction companies through a survey conducted on forty medium and small size construction companies of Turkey .They have inferred lack of experience and countrys economic condition as influential factor for the failure.[7] In scholars opinion financial handicap is perhaps the root cause of failure, which is always associated with new companies. It may be concluded that in simple terms, if any one fails in any business, i.e. he could not understand the economics or intricacies or commerce of that business. There is no dearth of literature on the success stories of various companies. Unfortunately success is a public celebration and failure is a private funeral. So for a new entrepreneur, it is better to learn from failures rather than from success stories. In this regard scholar is of the view that foundation of right stepping stone always rests on wrong footprints. These wrong footprints are sometimes called experience. In a nutshell a new entrepreneur should know DONTS first rather than DOS. It is the first step to run the construction business. 11. The Construction Managers: The construction manager is the most critical resource in implementation phase of the project. He is supposed to discharge basic functions like organizing, staffing, directing, planning and controlling. A good performance of construction manager is necessary for the growth, development and success of Construction Company. Although the managers do not normally, carry out the construction work with their own hand, Yet they are responsible for keeping the project on schedule within the cost limits. They should have telescopic as well as microscopic vision on each and every step of construction operation, right from preliminary estimates and various types of costs to the final inspection and payment. In managing any construction project, personality of construction manager plays a vital role. This very trait can never be ignored. Mustapha and Naoum (1998) have investigated factors, which influence effectiveness of site managers. They are of strong opinion that personal variables as a whole have an impact on effectiveness of site managers.[4] The construction manager should also be capable of handling crisis and contingencies at site. Crisis and contingency do arise at construction site. Managers should be well equipped to deal with such emergencies. To deal with such contingencies collective effort is needed. Loosemore (1998) has identified effective responsibility and teamwork is the basic managerial tool to handle the crisis. 12. Need for Professional Competence: If a company or contractor is ignorant about his legal rights, entitlements and not vigilant, he will get partial success and will have to be contented with few chips of fruit produced by his hard labour and larger chunk will go to the owner who will seldom volunteer a helping hand. So there is an intense need to instil competence in the management of this valued industry. Introducing a comprehensive course of study, containing all the relevant aspects of construction management and by writing good books and doing research work, covering all aspects of the problem, can fill this gap. Since construction activities are carried out mostly at the construction site, which are usually far flung from main cities, the academician/authors, and the faculty may not be aware of the practical difficulties and nuances of construction management. These might be the reason that construction management has not received due place in the institutes, universities, colleges and in many management books. 13. Application of present paper: This research work will be useful to individual owner, consultant and contractor as well. If a young entrepreneur decides to enter in construction business he is being told in advance about the pros and cons of construction industry. If he plans his business and manages the construction work himself, by employing his own construction team and purchasing the material himself, he will certainly flourish. If the entrepreneur who is conversant with the nuances of construction management practice, can extract maximum from the contractor by applying the knowledge discussed herein, with not much difficulty and solving their problem in time without being deceived or cheated by any one. Consultants can use the present work for optimising the project during conception, definition and planning phase of the project. At last the maximum benefited is the contractor who feels the beat (profit) of the heart of construction project i.e. construction phase. 14. Conclusion Today, due to increased competition and the capital, which is scarce, large constructions like metro rail, infrastructure development, high-rise building cannot be handled without the use of modern construction equipment and modern construction management techniques to reduce time and to maintain higher standards of construction quality. On one hand, it is necessary to use modern machinery and latest construction management tools to optimise the construction activity to improve the physical productivity of fixed and variable factors of production. It does not mean that will leave thousands of labourers and other human resource jobless. It is an irrational thinking as it is well said that tomorrow will take its own course. Meticulous management of the finances is necessary for the exponential growth of the company. At last any productive activity serves the society so is with the construction activity. In broader sense every individual of the country will get benefit of increased productivity directly or indirectly through the created individual assets or public infrastructure.